
Tafaghodi Timaji

Mission Statement

I believe in humanity, Humankind has been evolving during this process of the game as we call life, I do believe that in current times, humans are in ​need of new tools to reach a higher consciousness with love, respect, freedom of choice, prosperity and security.This belief in the magic of human ​capability to reach a higher level that helps humans to climb practical ladder of activating and lightening the unique potential in terms of developing ​the each human individual sense and talent and sharing their own story in order to reach a higher frequency and vibration at each individual’s own ​unique potential, This belief focusing on bringing each individual to reach the highest potential of creativity by teaching, guiding, walking through the ​steps of creativity and facilitating the work. We help them to narrate their story by music, writing, visual art, and art and creativity in general and we ​are committed to deliver each individual to their fullest potential, not a copy and paste approach to create an average, we do believe in the uniqueness ​of each person's destiny and freedom of choice.

I believe in progressing while keeping respect for history and honoring individual achievements as a nation, culture, or at the personal level. ​Throughout the history of humankind, laws, and principles have been arbitrarily written based on what seems to be logical at that moment in time, ​but these concepts should be deemed changeable and upgraded to higher achievements for humans to reach a higher vibration.


Alibaba’s Music

Blue Revu Records